Mike Pitscfoski
Client Outreach Manager
Mike is a seasoned business development Manager located in Ottawa, where he specializes in reaching out to our potential partners and clients
Mike Pitscfoski
Client Outreach Manager
Mike is a seasoned business development Manager located in Ottawa, where he specializes in reaching out to our potential partners and clients
"Good work follows when you start appreciating culture, economic reality, and necessity, and what is right for you and your family"
Hamid accompanied his family – who came to Canada as investors – and finished high school, Bachelors and Master's degree (both in Engineering) in Ontario Canada. After graduating, he worked in many engineering fields as a consultant and a project manager for about 10 years. Afterwards, he taught at Ontario Tech University for about two years and is currently an online instructor at University Health Network in Toronto Canada. Besides teaching, he is currently a recruiter for few universities, colleges and language schools throughout Canada. Hamid is passionate about helping those with potential to come to Canada to study, work and live. He uses his unique academic, professional and cultural skills and experiences to help people succeed.

Hamid has years of experience in guiding students towards navigating the educational system in Canada, including applying to academic programs, colleges, and universities

Contact Mike
M & W: +1. 647.456.7890
Canadian Office: 181 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

Locations Overseen: Canada - Saudi Arabia - Kuwait
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customer is the
best business