The Process:

You can purchase a share of a business or set up a new one, and apply for an Owner based Work Permit. You can be admitted to Canada in less than 8 months.
An application called an LMIA allows a foreign entrepreneur to purchase a business and obtain a Work Permit faster than through the provincial Entrepreneur Programs. The applicant must meet strict requirements that the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has stipulated; but, once done, the Applicant would be able to obtain a Work Permit in 4-5 months after applying. This makes the Owner Business Stream the preferred route for many potential entrepreneurs.

In contrast, most provincial Entrepreneur Programs operate under an Expression of Interest scheme. Candidates must submit a lengthy application to express their interest, and wait until the province approves them. The entire process can take up to 2 years, before an applicant can enter Canada on a Work Permit. In turn, many potential entrepreneurs choose the Federal Owner stream instead.
The Process
1) We obtain for you a Business Visitor Visa to visit Canada
2) We help you find an eligible business to buy or establish
3) We submit an LMIA Work Permit Application
4) We process your Work Permit and your family's travel documents
5) You work in Canada, for a year
6) You could then apply for Permanent Residency
Other Immigration Routes
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