Allen Viegas
Business Developer
Allen is a translator, a chef, and entrepreneur specializing in establishing restaurants and supply distribution. Learn about his work via
Allen Viegas
Business Developer
Allen is a translator, a chef, and entrepreneur specializing in establishing restaurants and supply distribution. Learn about his work via
"The secret to building thriving businesses is connecting to the right people; that is how it works, it's not just about trying your best and expecting to succeed"
Allen is a chef, entrepreneur, and business developer, focusing on the food and hospitality industries. He is fluent in speaking Hindi and Urdu, having grown up in India and immigrated to Canada at a young age.
He is an accomplished chef, and technology entrepreneur. Through his network, he is able to connect potential migrants with many restaurants and cafe owners seeking partnership with foreign entrepreneurs. Allen is the owner of the migration and restaurant business and as an accomplished chef.
Contact Allen
M & W: +1. 647.401.2121
Canadian Office: 181 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

Locations Overseen: Canada - Saudi Arabia - Kuwait
Allen is Founder & CEO of
a satisfied
customer is the
best business