Translation agency
in Frankfurt
Professional translation of texts, documents, audio, video into more than 20 languages
Our services
For more information about our translation services call us at +1-123-456-7890
Official, technical, legal, medical, financial, and business documents, website translations, and certified translations.
Simultaneous, consecutive, liaison, whispered, and telephone interpreting for any kind of event.
Proofreading and editing
Correcting errors in mistranslations, typographical mistakes or excessively literal translation.
Rewriting and copywriting
Adapting texts and documents for a brand-new market and readership, choosing a suitable writing style.
Audio and video transcription
Conversion of speech (from an audio or video source file) into an electronic text document.
Multilingual subtitles
Transcribing the voice-over and the titles in the video. Synchronization of subtitles and videos.
All of our translators have higher professional education and are fluent in their language
    • English
    • German
    • French
    • Spanish
    • Italian
    • Russian
    • Ukrainian
    • Belarusian
    • Lithuanian
    • Estonian
    • Polish
    • Latvian
    • Dutch
    • Greek
    • Danish
    • Portuguese
    • Finnish
    • Swedish
    • Japanese
    • Chinese
    • Korean
    • Thai
    • Turkish
    • Kazakh
Our prices
Translation from rare languages and working with specialized texts is more expensive
  • 1
    Prices for translation depend on the language and the subject matter of the text. Translations start from 7€ per page for European languages, 10€ per page for Slavic languages, and 14€ per page for Eastern languages.
  • 2
    The cost of a consecutive interpretation starts from 30€ per hour for Slavic and European languages, and from 50€ for Eastern languages. Fees for simultaneous interpretation start from 70€.
  • 3
    Proofreading and editing
    Prices for translation depend on the language and the subject matter of the text. Translations start from 7€ per page for European languages, 10€ per page for Slavic languages, and 14€ per page for Eastern languages.
Our achievements in numbers
Years our agency exists and provides translation services
40 320
Pages were translated by our agency in 2021
The number of languages we translate and work with
About us
Professional translation agency in the center of Frankfurt
We specialize in the interpretation and written translation of documents, texts, audio recordings, and video materials. We also help with international exhibitions, seminars, and negotiations. During the existence of our agency we have significantly grown, achieved many goals, and accumulated considerable experience in translations of various matters.

You can contact our manager at any time in order to get advice, make any necessary changes to the order, or add some additional materials for the translation. All personal data transmitted by the client is protected and treated confidentially.
How it works
You choose the type of translation you need and send us the application using the form below.
Our manager analyzes the material for you, prepares a CP and contacts you to discuss the details.
We quickly translate, rewrite and edit your material and conduct other services, if necessary.
Finished work
You can receive your order at the agency or through the courier. Payment by cash and / or card is possible.
Send your text for translation
Choose the type of translation, add your comments, and our manager will contact you for further details.
Schwarzburgstraße 38, Frankfurt

Working hours: daily from 9.00 to 21.00