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Unmarried partner left out of Will

2020-07-25 04:16 Recent Successes

Unmarried partner left out of Will

June 2018

We secured a part of an estate for the partner who was left out of the Will of a deceased partner.


Our client, Ms N, had lived with her partner for over twenty years before he died. Unfortunately, the two never married and he passed away leaving a Will that had been written before their relationship had begun.

As a result, Ms N was not named as a beneficiary in the Will and would have received nothing from it. Worse still, she would have been unable to continue living in the house that they had shared, as it was registered in her partner’s name only.

How we helped

However, we were able to advise her to pursue a claim as someone who had lived with the deceased person as his spouse and, furthermore, could reasonably claim to have been dependent on them.


We communicated with the estate in order to ensure that our client obtains her allotted portion of the estate, and ensured that the calculation rules were correct, and followed. As a result the client was able to obtain the financial means to live comfortably.