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Contesting changes - Will that excluded a beneficiary

2020-07-25 04:31 Recent Successes
Contesting changes to a Will that excluded a beneficiary
June 2017

We represented Mr G, a client whose parents made Wills together while they were both alive. When Mr G’s father died, our client’s mother inherited all of her husband’s estate. She then changed her Will to remove our client as a named beneficiary.

how we helped
Had the new Will been enforced, Mr G would have received nothing when his mother died. However, we were able to advise him that, as an adult child of the deceased (his mother), he could pursue a claim under the Inheritance Act.

Acting on Mr G’s behalf, we were able to secure a substantial interest in the estate for him, despite the existence of the new Will written by his mother.


We achieved this result via mediation rather than going to court, which was both less expensive and less distressing for the parties involved.