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Secure The Value Of Company Assets By Our Client In A Divorce Proceeding.

2020-07-25 04:13 Recent Successes
Our Family Lawyers helped secure the value of company assets owned by our client in a divorce proceeding.
October 2018


Our Family Lawyers acted for the husband on the financial consequences of his divorce.
In addition to the house and other assets owned by the husband and his wife, the husband held shares in several companies.

how we helped
There were discrepancies over the value of the company assets so our lawyers worked to provide a full picture of our client’s business assets.

We obtained expert commentary from the accountant on the issue of liquidity regarding our client’s company interests, as our client did not think he could withdraw much money from the companies without adversely impacting them.

Once the experts had prepared their reports it became clear that the company assets were worth close to what our client had originally suggested. The amount of money that could be taken out of the companies was found to be limited.

We negotiated a settlement that our client was happy with and which allowed him to keep his company interests intact.